Story of the #Covid19 - Busted plans! Cancelled rollouts! The emergence of remote!

How the current alarming situation due to #Covid19 is panning out for our customers, community & Gyde! Read on.

Few of our large customers are in the process of roll out new sets of applications such as HRMS, CRM, ERP for their end customers & as well as internal users. They had chalked out detailed rollout plans & user training sessions across office locations. During the last few months, we were also part of these discussions understanding how we & Gyde could contribute.  

The last few weeks have turned these plans upside down. At location training & onboarding for these new applications is no longer feasible! All plans have been canceled or postponed by at least a month.  

Turns out, our customers have found a way to educate & train users remotely. They are creating small video snippets explaining workflows & processes from @Gyde & are sharing these on various communication mediums such as WhatsApp, Skype, learning portals & so on!

Gyde Walkthroughs With Voice Embedded

Things are evolving rapidly! We released an auto-generated voiceover & video exports just a month ago & looks like it's going to be the top-used feature very shortly!

#remotehashtag #remotefirst #remotetraining #remotesupport #rollout #voice