The last 3 months have been tremendous. We have guided users across a whopping 106 countries!
A lot of times, friends, family, acquaintances ask this question - Why Gyde? And What is Gyde?
We believe a guide is fundamental to anything we do as individuals. It helps us learn new & exiciting things. It helps us raise our bar. It helps us when we want to get things done faster. The guide solves our problem if we are stuck at something.
How can we bring together these essential qualities of Guide using the current technologies? That's the philosophy we are always working towards!
At the very core, Gyde is about "Guiding" users while they use the Software Applications. Be it any application, be it on any channel. Where-ever users are we want to Gyde them! It is a powerful toolkit to educate users and drive actions for optimal on-boarding, adoption, engagement & customer success.
We are excited for this journey & would keep you all posted. Stay tuned :)
Team Gyde